Friday, January 2, 2009

A Good Confession.

There were many years in my life, when I did not receive the Sacrament of Penance. Even when I had made the decision to live my faith in a more conscious manner, I was reluctant to enter the confessional. It had been so long, that I wondered if I would even remember how it all went! When I over came my initial fear, I was able to really enjoy he blessings of this wonderful gift!

I vividly remember my second grade teacher telling us that when we come out of the confessional we would feel light as a feather! The way she described it was so exciting to me as a little girl. I couldn't wait to experience it for myself. Indeed I did feel the sensation she described after I made my First Confession. However, this was not my experience after every encounter with Jesus in the Sacrament of Penance. Of course I knew that just because I didn't always feel his presence in a physically tangible way, didn't mean that I hadn't received the graces promised through the sacrament. But I longed for the times when Jesus presence in the Sacrament were as real to me as the bricks and mortar of the church walls!

The times when I do feel His presence in powerful way after confession, are very special to me indeed! I know that when I take the time to really reflect, and dig deeply and honestly in my soul, these are the times when I can feel His graces flowing into my soul. It seems to me that the harder it is to confess a sin which has deeply wounded me, the greater the blessings I receive from the Sacrament. During a recent advent Penance service I had such an experience.

I remember recently reading that Pope John Paul The Great, received the Sacrament of Penance daily. On reading this I was at first amazed! How could this saintly man have something to confess every day? But then I was reminded that it is the graces which we receive from the sacrament which are so important. What a great shame to miss the opportunity to receive all that Jesus wants to give us!

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